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How to fight stress naturally?

Découvrir notre Pack No Stress

Écrit par Ecosystem Laboratoire - Publié le

The current lifestyle of western societies is particularly stressful. Busy work, multiple daily responsibilities, rising bills... Many external elements put a real pressure on the shoulders of each individual, thus disturbing the natural balance of the human body. Stress is accompanied by many negative effects: sleep and eating disorders, muscular tension, etc. Fortunately, there are several easy solutions to combat stress naturally.

Ancient techniques: deep breathing, meditation and yoga

One of the first pieces of advice given to people under great stress may seem so obvious as to be almost intriguing: breathing.

  • Breathing

Breathing is still directly linked to certain areas of the brain that regulate emotions, so the simple act of taking deep breaths with your eyes closed, holding your breath for a few moments and then slowly exhaling naturally slows your heart rate and helps you feel calm quickly. There are a number of different deep breathing exercises that are specifically designed to combat stress. Many of them are inspired by the ancient discipline of yoga and consist of controlling your inhalations and exhalations. One of the best known is the pranayama technique : place one hand on your stomach with your eyes closed and breathe in for 5 seconds. The breath should then be held for 2 to 3 seconds and then exhaled for 5 seconds as well. Performing several cycles like this helps to naturally reduce stress levels.

  • Meditation and yoga

Meditation and yoga are also part of the natural anti-stress techniques that are becoming increasingly popular. These two Asian disciplines consist of refocusing on oneself in order to better observe one's emotions and to evacuate them physiologically. Performing a few yoga postures every day or meditating for a few minutes can greatly help to reduce stress in the long term. Meditation can be learned over time and does not require any special knowledge: it is advisable to sit with your eyes closed in order to become aware of your emotions and let go. Meditation consists in centring on oneself by disconnecting from the surrounding world. During a meditation session, even negative emotions should be allowed to express themselves without being judged, modified or controlled. It is a matter of observing in order to release.

  • Physical activity

Physical activity and sport are another perfectly natural way to combat stress. Our current lifestyle often encourages us to silence our emotions by sitting on the couch watching a series or a movie. This avoidance strategy can only last for so long and does not solve the problem of stress. There is nothing like physical activity to release tension. Movement alone releases endorphins, which are the feel-good hormones. There is no need to engage in competitive sport; a simple daily walk or bike ride can clear the mind and fill the lungs with fresh air. Just like stretching or running, these small gestures are enough to relieve stress-related tension.

Anti-stress plants

Nature also has many anti-stress remedies to help the body to calm down. The most famous plants include valerian, rhodiola and Bach flowers.

  • Rhodiola

Rhodiola comes from the coldest parts of the world and is said to have given the Vikings their legendary strength. This plant has been the subject of numerous studies which have highlighted its exceptional properties, notably enabling the intellectual capacities of people under great stress to be improved as well as general well-being. Rhodiola is also said to be a very good way to cure mild to moderate depression. Also known as Rhodiola rosea, it is increasingly prescribed as a natural treatment for anxiety disorders, low morale and to soothe all types of stress, emotional or oxidative.

  • Valerian

Valerian, also known as valeriana officinalis, has been used since ancient Greece to relieve stress, insomnia and restlessness. Recognised as a natural anti-stress by the WHO, ESCOP and the European Commission, this plant seems to be extremely effective. In addition to naturally calming the body, it also helps to cure digestive disorders and muscular tension caused by stress. Ideal for treating irritability disorders, it is one of the oldest natural treatments known to soothe anxiety problems.

  • Bach flowers

Developed by the homeopathic doctor Edward Bach in the last century, Bach flower essences come in various forms, some of which treat intense stress linked to a particular situation, and others, chronic stress. Dr. Bach developed 38 formulas based on buds and flowers, allowing to act on specific emotional states such as fear, sadness, anxiety or stress. Bach flower essences can contain impatiens, agrimony or clematis. These all-natural remedies are beginning to take their place among the more famous anti-stress plants such as valerian and rhodiola.

  • Ginseng

Ginseng is one of the most famous remedies for regaining energy in times of fatigue or intense stress. Straight from Asia, this plant remains famous for its ability to restore the emotional and physical balance of the human body. It is often included in herbal treatments to reduce fatigue, anxiety and depression, but also to stimulate memory and improve general well-being.

  • Griffonia

Often used in herbal medicine to alleviate anxiety problems, griffonia simplicifolia, also known as griffonia, grows naturally on the African continent. Its ancestral use concerns the treatment of sleep disorders, but its exceptional soothing virtues also make it a very good ally for calming headaches and compulsive behaviour linked to stress. In practice, this plant is often associated with valerian and hawthorn for a complete treatment.

Ecosystem Laboratoire offers you several products which can help you to fight against stress. Thanks to our food supplements like Cool and Omega 3 you can reduce your anxiety and improve your well-being. For a tastier option, we offer you wellness products such as our Cool Cafrine (which contains Saffron) or our Liquid Saffron Extract, which fit perfectly into many cooking recipes. Don't want to choose? We have the solution, a more economical pack consisting of these 4 products.

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